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Entity xh en-US
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Ukucima iprofayili kuya kushenxisa iprofayili kuluhlu lweeprofayili ezifumanekayo kwaye aziyi kulungiswa. Usenokukhetha ukucima iifayile zengcombolo yeprofayili, okuquka iisetingi zakho, izatifiketi kunye nenye ingcombolo enxulumene nomsebenzisi. Oku kukhetha kuya kucima ifolda "{ $dir }" kwaye akunakulungiswa. Ungathanda ukuzicima iifayile zengcombolo yeprofayili?
Deleting a profile will remove the profile from the list of available profiles and cannot be undone. You may also choose to delete the profile data files, including your settings, certificates and other user-related data. This option will delete the folder “{ $dir }” and cannot be undone. Would you like to delete the profile data files?
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