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About Transvision
Translation Consistency
Analyze translation consistency across repositories.
Inconsistent Translations
This table includes strings that are identical in the source language (English), but translated in different ways in the target language.
Source String | Available Translations |
{ PLATFORM() -> [windows] O *[other] P } | { PLATFORM() -> [windows] G *[other] T }
{ PLATFORM() -> [windows] O *[other] P }
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] Show in Finder [windows] Open Folder *[other] Open Directory } | { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Nyut i Gin manongo [windows] Yab Boc *[other] Yab Boc }
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] Nyut i Layeny [windows] Yab Boc *[other] Yab Boc }
<anonymous> | <anonymous>
<pe ngene>
Add Search Engine | Med Ingin me Yeny
Med ingin me yeny
All Files | Pwail ducu
Pwail weng
Allow | Ye
Allow Audio and Video | Yee Dwon ki Video
Yer Dwon ki Video
Allow for Session | Ye pi Kare
Ye pi kare
Alt | Alt
Applications | Purugram
Yub me atiya
Are you sure? | I moko ada?
Imoko ada?
Back | Angec
Backup… | Gwok kamukene…
Bookmarks | Alama buk
Alama me buk
Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct. | Ngi ter me latic pi lawote wek inen ni meno gi tye kakare.
Ngi ter pa latic pi lawote wek i nen ni meno gi tye kakare.
Close Window | Lor Dirica
Lor dirica
Collapse Section | Kan Bute
Kan bute
Confirm | Mok
Confirm Password Change | Mok Loka me I cwil me donyo
Mok loko mung me donyo
Connection timed out | Cawa me kube otum woko
Kare me kube otum woko
Copy | Lok
Copy Message | Lok Kwena
Lok kwena
Current password: | Mung me donyo ma kombedi:
Mung me donyo matye:
Delete Files | Duny Fwail
Kwany pwail
Delete Profile | Duny Gin makwako
Kwany propwail
Description | Lok ikome
Tito lok i kume
Tito lok iye
Details | Lok kore kikore
Lok yore kiyore
Disabled | Gijuko woko
Kijuko woko
Don’t Allow | Pe Iyee
Pe i ye
Don’t Delete Files | Pe I duny Fwail
Pe i kwany pwail
Download Error | Bal me Gamo
Bal me gam
Downloads | Gam
Edit | Yub
Enable | Caki
Enable breakpoint | Cak kacung
Ye kacung
Enable others | Cak mukene
Ye mukene
Enabled | Ki ye
Expand Section | Yar Bute
Yar bute
Export… | Cwal woko...
Kel ki woko…
Failed | Opoto
Pe olare
Filter properties | Li jami me coc
Li jami me tic
Find Again | Nong Doki
Nong doki
Find the next occurrence of the phrase | Nong en matime malubo kore pi lok
Nong timme pa lok malubo
Find the previous occurrence of the phrase | Nong en matime malubo kore pi lok
Nong timme pa lok mukato
Fonts | Dit me coc
Dit pa coc
Go Back | Dok Angec
Dok cen
Home | Acakki
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that { -brand-short-name } is permitted to access the web. | Ka ce komputa onyo kakube me koputa ni kigwoko ki lagwok komputa onyo latic pi lawote, nen ni meno { -brand-short-name } tye ki rukuca me donyo i Kakube.
Ka ce komputa onyo kakube ni kigengo ki lagwok komputa onyo latic pi lawote, nen ni meno { -brand-short-name } tye ki rukuca me donyo i Kakube.
Invalid profile name | Nying gin makwako ma pe tiyo
Nying propwail mape atir
Just now | Kombedi ni
Pud kombedi
Last Modified | Ma giyub me Agiki
Yub me agiki
Last Used | Kitiyo kwede me agiki
Tic kwede me agiki
Learn More | Nong ngec Mapol
Nong ngec mapol
Learn how | Nong ngec i kit yoo
Nong ngec nining
More Information | Ngec Mukene
Ngec mapol
Network is offline (go online) | Kakube pe iwi yamo (wot iwiyamo)
Kakube pe iwiyamo (wot iwiyamo)
New Folder | Boc Manyen
Boc manyen
New tab | Dirica matidi manyen
Drica matidi manyen
Next | Malubo
Mede anyim
No updates found | Ngec manyen pe ononge
Pe ki nongo ngec manyen
Not Now | Pe Kombedi
Pe kombedi
On | Cwiny
Dii ocak tic
Open | Yab
Open File | Yab Pwail
Yab pwail
Open Link in New Tab | Yab kakube i dirica matidi manyen
Yab kakube i tab manyen
Open in Debugger | Yab iye gin nongo bal
Yabi i gin nongo bal
Open tabs | Dirica matino ma ayaba
Yab dirica matino
Page Setup… | Tero Pot Buk…
Tero pot buk…
Password Change Failed | Loko mung me donyo Pe olare
Loko mung me donyo pe olare
Password quality meter | Lapim kit me mung me donyo
Mita me kit mung me donyo
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem. | Tim ber i kube ki wegi di bar me Web me minigi ngec pi peko man.
Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec me peko man.
Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man.
Tim ber ikube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man.
Query String | Tol me yeny
Tol me yeny:
Refresh { -brand-short-name } | Cak { -brand-short-name } odoco
Nwo { -brand-short-name }
Ter { -brand-short-name } odoco
Remove | Kwany
Kwany woko
Rename Profile | Lok nying propwail
Nwo nying Gin makwako
Request Headers | Wiye me kwac
Wiye me kwac:
Resend | Cwal nitit
Cwal odoco
Nwo cwalo
Reset | Nwo tero
Ter nitit
Reset zoom level (%S) | Lok odoco lilo kwoto (%S)
Nwo tero rwom me kwot (%S)
Restart %S | Cak nitit %S
Nwo cako %S
Restart Later | Cak nitit Lacen
Cak odoco lacen
Restore | Dwok
Right: | Acuc:
Tung acuc:
Save File | Gwok Pwail
Gwok pwail
Search Bookmarks | Yeny Alama buk
Yeny Alama me buk
Search bookmarks | Yeny Alamabuk
Yeny alamabuk
Search history | Gin mukato me yeny
Yeny gin mukato
Search in a Private Window | Yeny i Dirica me Mung
Yeny ii Dirica me Mung
Select All | Yer Weng
Yer weng
Select Profile | Yer Gin makwako
Yer Profile
Select a language to add… | Yer leb me ameda...
Yer leb me ameda…
Set Desktop Background | Ter Cal me nge wang kompiuta
Ter cal me nge wang kompiuta
Set Home Page | Ter Pot buk me Gang
Ter pot buk me gang
Show All | Nyut Weng
Nyut weng
Shrink To Fit | Jwik Wek Odony
Jwik wek oporre
Sinhala | Singhalese
Space | Kine
State | District
Kit ma tye kwede
Style Editor | Layub Cital
Layub Style
Tags | Coc
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview. | Coc acoya pe twero loke kun tye ka gono coc onyo i nen me gono coc.
Gin acoya pe twero loke ma nongo kitye ka goyo ne onyo ka neno kit ma obi kati ka kigoyo.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem. | Pot Buk ma i tye ka temo neno ne ni pe kitwero nyuto pien tye i kit pwail ma pe romo bedo ber me ayaba. Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man.
Pot buk ma itye ka temo neno pe romo nyutu pien tye iyi kit fail ma pe tye ki gwok maber me yabone. Tim ber i kube ki wegi di bar me Web wek i mii ngec bot gi pi peko man.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression. | Pot buk ma in itye katemo neno pe romo nyutu pien otiyo ki fom mape tiyo onyo kicwako ne.
Pot buk ma itye ka temo neno ne ni pe twero nyute pien tiyo ki yo mape atir onyo pe kicwako kit ma kidiyo kwede.
This action cannot be undone. | Pe ki twero gonyo tic man.
Tic man pe kitwero gonyo ne.
This document is no longer available. | Coc acoya ma eni ni pe dong nonge.
Gin acoya man dong pe nonge.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way. | Pot buk man tye ki cik ma gwoko ber bedo pa gin manonge iye ma gengo cano ne kit man.
Pot buk man tye ki cik me gwoko kuc pi gin manonge iye ma gengo cano ne i yor man.
Title | Wie madito
Wiye madit
Title: | Wiye madit:
Toggle | Loki
Loko gin atima ki i kompiuta
Toolbars | Gintic
Unable to delete module | Pe romo kwanyo dul
Pe romo kwanyo woko dul
Update | Ket ngec manyen
Ngec manyen
View Certificate | Nen Catibiket
Nen karatac lok ada
Want to see your tabs from other devices here? | Imito neno dirica matino ni ki i nyonyo mukene kany?
imito neno dirica matino ki nyonyo mukene?
Zoom In | Kwot Madit
Kwot madit
Zoom Out | Jwik Matidi
Jwik matidi
Zoom in | Kwot madit
Kwoti madit
Zoom out | Jwik matidi
Jwiki matidi
content | gin manonge iye
mm | dwe
{ "" } | San James, War Child Holland-Uganda, Acuma George Patrick, Keneth Ogwal, Dan Jasper Okello, Opio June Brian, Kaloba Haron, Komakech S. B. Ford, Akena David Akeni, Acire Samuel, Ojara David Prince
{ "" }
{ -fxaccount-brand-name(capitalization: "sentence") } | { -fxaccount-brand-name }
{ -fxaccount-brand-name(capitalization: "sentence") }
Inconsistent Sources
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