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Tha leudachain is ùrlaran coltach ri aplacaidean dhan bhrabhsair agad agus leigidh iad leat faclan-faire a dhìon, videothan a luchdadh a-nuas, bargain a lorg, sanasachd sàrachail a bhacadh, an coltas air a’ bhrabhsair agad atharrachadh is mòran a bharrachd. Tha na prògraman bathair-bhog beaga seo ’gan leasachadh le treas-phàrtaidh gu tric. Seo roghadh is taghadh a tha { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">a’ moladh</a> airson tèarainteachd, dèanadas is gleusan nas fheàrr.
Extensions and themes are like apps for your browser, and they let you protect passwords, download videos, find deals, block annoying ads, change how your browser looks, and much more. These small software programs are often developed by a third party. Here’s a selection { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">recommends</a> for exceptional security, performance, and functionality.
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