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Extensions and themes are like apps for your browser, and they let you protect passwords, download videos, find deals, block annoying ads, change how your browser looks, and much more. These small software programs are often developed by a third party. Here’s a selection { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">recommends</a> for exceptional security, performance, and functionality.
Les estensiones y los estilos son como aplicaciones pal restolador y déxente protexer contraseñes, baxar vídeos, atopar ufiertes, bloquiar anuncios molestos, camudar l'estilu del restolador y muncho más. Estos programinos suelen tar desendolcaos por terceros. Equí hai una esbilla que { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">aconseya</a> pa consiguir un nivel esceicional de seguranza, rindimientu y funcionalidá.
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