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Entity dsb en-US
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
<strong>Słužby libruju se "kaž wóne su." { -vendor-short-name }, jogo sobuźěłaśerje, licencedawarje a rozdźělowarje wótpokazuju wšykne rukowanja, lěc wurazne lěc zapśimjete, inkluziwnje take, kótarež su bźez wobgranicowanja, rukowanja, až słužby su kupne a wótpowěduju wašyim wósebnym zaměram. Njasośo połne riziko, což nastupa wuběranje słužbow za waše zaměry a kwalitu a wugbaśe słužbow. Někotare suźenja njedowóluju wuzamknjenje abo wobgranicowanje zapśimjetych rukowanjow, tak toś ta wuzamknjeńska klawsula njedajo se na was nałožyś.</strong>
<strong>The Services are provided “as-is.” { -vendor-short-name }, its contributors, licensors, and distributors, disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties that the Services are merchantable and fit for your particular purposes. You bear the entire risk as to selecting the Services for your purposes and as to the quality and performance of the Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not apply to you.</strong>
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