
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
bs Dobrodošli u čarobnjak za deinstalaciju $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
cs Vítejte v průvodci odinstalací aplikace $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
de Willkommen im $BrandFullNameDA-Deinstallations-Assistent 🔍
el Καλώς ορίσατε στον βοηθό αφαίρεσης του $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
en-GB Welcome to the $BrandFullNameDA Uninstall Wizard 🔍
en-US Welcome to the $BrandFullNameDA Uninstall Wizard 🔍
es-AR Bienvenido al asistente de desinstalación de $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
es-ES Bienvenido al asistente de desinstalación de $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
fi Tervetuloa $BrandFullNameDAn poisto-ohjelmaan 🔍
fr Bienvenue dans l’assistant de désinstallation de $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
hu Üdvözli a $BrandFullNameDA Eltávolító Varázsló 🔍
it Benvenuti nel programma di disinstallazione di $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
ja $BrandFullNameDA のセットアップ 🔍
ka მოგესალმებათ $BrandFullNameDA ამოშლის მეგზური 🔍
lt Sveiki! Čia „$BrandFullNameDA“ šalinimo programa 🔍
ms Selamat datang ke Bestari Penyahpemasangan $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
nb-NO Velkommen til avinstallering av $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
nl Welkom bij de wizard $BrandFullNameDA de-installeren 🔍
pl Witamy w dezinstalatorze programu $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
pt-BR Boas-vindas ao assistente de desinstalação do $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
pt-PT Bem-vindo(a) ao assistente de desinstalação do $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
ru Вас приветствует мастер удаления $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
sk Víta vás sprievodca odinštalovaním programu $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
sv-SE Välkommen till avinstallationsguiden för $BrandFullNameDA 🔍
zh-CN 欢迎使用 $BrandFullNameDA 卸载向导 🔍
zh-TW 歡迎使用 $BrandFullNameDA 移除精靈 🔍
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