
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
am የሁሉም { -brand-name-firefox } የሞባይል አሳሾች አጠቃላይ እይታ ({ -brand-name-firefox } ለ{ -brand-name-android }፣ { -brand-name-firefox } ለ{ -brand-name-ios } ፣ { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ar نظرة عامة على جميع متصفحات { -brand-name-firefox } المخصصة للأجهزة المحمولة ({ -brand-name-firefox } لنظام التشغيل { -brand-name-android }، و{ -brand-name-firefox } لنظام التشغيل { -brand-name-ios }، و{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
be Агляд усіх мабільных браўзераў { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
bs Pregled svih { -brand-name-firefox } mobilnih pretraživača ({ -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
cs Přehled všech mobilních prohlížečů { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } pro { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } pro { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
cy Trosolwg o holl borwyr symudol { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
de Ein Überblick über sämtliche mobile Browser von { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } für { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } für { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
dsb Pśeglěd wšych { -brand-name-firefox } mobilnych wobglědowakow ({ -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
el Μια επισκόπηση όλων των { -brand-name-firefox } για κινητές συσκευές ({ -brand-name-firefox } για { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } για { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
en An overview of all { -brand-name-firefox } mobile browsers ({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
en-CA An overview of all { -brand-name-firefox } mobile browsers ({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
en-GB An overview of all { -brand-name-firefox } mobile browsers ({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
es-AR Una descripción general de todos los navegadores móviles de { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
es-CL Una descripción general de todos los navegadores móviles de { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
es-ES Una panorámica general de todos los navegadores móviles de { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
es-MX Una descripción general de todos los navegadores móviles de { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
fi Yleiskatsaus kaikista { -brand-name-firefox }-mobiiliselaimista ({ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android }ille, { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-ios }:lle , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
fr Un aperçu de tous les navigateurs mobiles { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } pour { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } pour { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
fy-NL In oersjoch fan alle mobile browsers fan { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } foar { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } foar { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
gn Opaite kundahára ñemoha’ãnga { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } peg̃uarã, { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-ios } peg̃uarã, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
hi-IN सभी { -brand-name-firefox } मोबाइल ब्राउज़रों पर एक नज़र ({ -brand-name-android } वाला { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-ios } वाला{ -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
hr Pregled svih { -brand-name-firefox } mobilnih preglednika ({ -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
hsb Přehlad wšěch { -brand-name-firefox } mobilnych wobhladowakow ({ -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
hu Az összes { -brand-name-firefox } mobilböngésző áttekintése ({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ia Un vista general de tote le navigatores { -brand-name-firefox } mobile ({ -brand-name-firefox } pro{ -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } pro { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
id Ikhtisar semua peramban seluler { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } untuk { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } untuk { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
is Yfirlit yfir alla { -brand-name-firefox }-farsímavafra ({ -brand-name-firefox } fyrir { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } fyrir { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
it Una panoramica di tutti i browser { -brand-name-firefox } per dispositivi mobili ({ -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ja { -brand-name-firefox } モバイルブラウザーのラインナップ ({ -brand-name-android } 用 { -brand-name-firefox }、{ -brand-name-ios } 用 { -brand-name-firefox }、{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }) の概要 🔍
ka გადახედეთ { -brand-name-firefox }-ის ყველა ბრაუზერის მობილურისთვის ({ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android }-ზე, { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-ios }-ზე, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
kab Taskant i meṛṛa iminigen izirazen { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } i { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } i { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ko 모든 { -brand-name-firefox } 모바일 브라우저 개요({ -brand-name-android } 용 { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-ios } 용 { -brand-name-firefox }) , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
lo ພາບລວມຂອງຕົວທ່ອງເວັບມືຖື { -brand-name-firefox } ທັງໝົດ ({ -brand-name-firefox } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ms Gambaran keseluruhan bagi semua pelayar mudah alih { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } untuk { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } untuk { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
nl Een overzicht van alle mobiele browsers van { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } voor { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } voor { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
nn-NO Ei oversikt over alle { -brand-name-firefox } mobile nettlesarar ({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
pa-IN { -brand-name-firefox } ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ({ -brand-name-android } ਲਈ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-ios } ਲਈ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
pt-BR Uma visão geral de todos os navegadores { -brand-name-firefox } para dispositivos móveis ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
pt-PT Uma visão geral de todos os navegadores móveis { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
rm Ina survista da tut ils navigaturs mobils da { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
ru Обзор всех мобильных браузеров { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
sk Prehľad všetkých mobilných prehliadačov { -brand-name-firefox(case: "gen") } ({ -brand-name-firefox } pre { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } pre { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
skr تمام { -brand-name-firefox } موبائل براؤزرز دا ہک جائزہ ({ -brand-name-firefox } برائے { -brand-name-android }، { -brand-name-firefox } برائے { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
sl Pregled vseh brskalnikov { -brand-name-firefox } za mobilne naprave ({ -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
sq Një përmbledhje e krejt shfletuesve { -brand-name-firefox } për celularë ({ -brand-name-firefox } për { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } për { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
sr Преглед свих { -brand-name-firefox } мобилних прегледача ({ -brand-name-firefox } за { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } за { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
sv-SE En översikt över alla { -brand-name-firefox } mobila webbläsare ({ -brand-name-firefox } för { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } för { -brand-name-ios } , { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
th ภาพรวมของเบราว์เซอร์มือถือ { -brand-name-firefox } ทั้งหมด ({ -brand-name-firefox } สำหรับ { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } สำหรับ { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
tr Tüm { -brand-name-firefox } mobil tarayıcıları hakkında genel bilgiler ({ -brand-name-android } için { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-ios } için { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
uk Огляд усіх мобільних браузерів { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
vi Tổng quan về tất cả các trình duyệt trên điện thoại di động { -brand-name-firefox } ({ -brand-name-firefox } dành cho { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox } dành cho { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
zh-CN { -brand-name-firefox } 移动浏览器概览(包括 { -brand-name-android } 版 { -brand-name-firefox }、{ -brand-name-ios } 版 { -brand-name-firefox } 以及 { -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
zh-TW 所有 { -brand-name-firefox } 行動瀏覽器的概觀({ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }、{ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }、{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }) 🔍
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