
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be { $count -> [1] { $count } прымацаванне [one] { $count } прымацаванне [few] { $count } прымацаванні *[many] { $count } прымацаванняў } 🔍
bg { $count -> [1] { $count } прикачен файл [one] { $count } прикачени файла *[other] { $count } прикачени файла } 🔍
br { $count -> [1] { $count } c'henstagadur [one] { $count } c'henstagadur [two] { $count } genstagadur [few] { $count } c'henstagadur [many] { $count } a genstagadurioù *[other] { $count } kenstagadur } 🔍
ca { $count -> [1] { $count } adjunció [one] { $count } adjunció *[other] { $count } adjuncions } 🔍
cs { $count -> [1] { $count } příloha [one] { $count } příloha [few] { $count } přílohy *[other] { $count } příloh } 🔍
cy { $count -> [1] { $count } Atodiad [zero] { $count } Atodiadau [one] { $count } Atodiad [two] { $count } Atodiad [few] { $count } Atodiad [many] { $count } Atodiad *[other] { $count } Atodiad } 🔍
da { $count -> [1] { $count } vedhæftet fil *[other] { $count } vedhæftede filer } 🔍
de { $count -> [1] { $count } Anhang *[other] { $count } Anhänge } 🔍
dsb { $count -> [1] { $count } pśidank [one] { $count } pśidank [two] { $count } pśidanka [few] { $count } pśidanki *[other] { $count } pśidankow } 🔍
el { $count -> [1] { $count } συνημμένο *[other] { $count } συνημμένα } 🔍
en-CA { $count -> [1] { $count } Attachment [one] { $count } Attachment *[other] { $count } Attachments } 🔍
en-GB { $count -> [1] { $count } Attachment *[other] { $count } Attachments } 🔍
en-US { $count -> [1] { $count } Attachment *[other] { $count } Attachments } 🔍
es-AR { $count -> [1] { $count } adjunto [one] { $count } adjunto *[other] { $count } adjuntos } 🔍
es-ES { $count -> [1] { $count } adjunto [one] { $count } adjunto *[other] { $count } adjuntos } 🔍
es-MX { $count -> [1] { $count } adjunto [one] { $count } adjuntos *[other] { $count } adjuntos } 🔍
et { $count -> [1] { $count } manus [one] { $count } manus *[other] { $count } manust } 🔍
eu { $count -> [1] Eranskina [one] Eranskin { $count } *[other] { $count } eranskin } 🔍
fi { $count -> [1] { $count } liite [one] { $count } liitettä *[other] { $count } liitettä } 🔍
fr { $count -> [1] { $count } pièce jointe *[other] { $count } pièces jointes } 🔍
fy-NL { $count -> [1] { $count } bylage [one] { $count } bylage *[other] { $count } bylagen } 🔍
gd { $count -> [1] { $count } cheanglachan [one] { $count } cheanglachan [two] { $count } cheanglachan [few] { $count } ceanglachain *[other] { $count } ceanglachan } 🔍
gl { $count -> [1] { $count } anexo [one] { $count } anexo *[other] { $count } anexos } 🔍
hr { $count -> [1] { $count } privitak [one] { $count } privitak [few] { $count } privitka *[other] { $count } privitaka } 🔍
hsb { $count -> [1] { $count } přiwěšk [one] { $count } přiwěšk [two] { $count } přiwěškaj [few] { $count } přiwěški *[other] { $count } přiwěškow } 🔍
hu { $count -> [1] { $count } melléklet [one] { $count } melléklet *[other] { $count } melléklet } 🔍
hye { $count -> [1] { $count } Յաւելուած [one] { $count } Յաւելուած *[other] { $count } Յաւելուածներ } 🔍
ia { $count -> [1] { $count } Attachamento *[other] { $count } Attachamentos } 🔍
is { $count -> [1] { $count } viðhengi [one] { $count } viðhengi *[other] { $count } viðhengi } 🔍
it { $count -> [one] { $count } allegato *[other] { $count } allegati } 🔍
ja { $count -> [one] 添付ファイル { $count } 個 *[other] 添付ファイル { $count } 個 } 🔍
ka { $count -> [1] { $count } დანართი *[other] { $count } დანართი } 🔍
kab { $count -> [1] { $count } umsedday [one] { $count } umsedday *[other] { $count } yimseddayen } 🔍
kk { $count -> [1] { $count } салыным *[other] { $count } салыным } 🔍
nb-NO { $count -> [1] { $count } vedlegg *[other] { $count } vedlegg } 🔍
nl { $count -> [1] { $count } bijlage [one] { $count } bijlage *[other] { $count } bijlagen } 🔍
nn-NO { $count -> [1] { $count } vedlegg *[other] { $count } Attachments } 🔍
pl { $count -> [1] { $count } załącznik [one] { $count } załącznik [few] { $count } załączniki *[many] { $count } załączników } 🔍
pt-BR { $count -> [1] { $count } anexo *[other] { $count } anexos } 🔍
pt-PT { $count -> [1] { $count } anexo [one] { $count } anexo *[other] { $count } anexos } 🔍
rm { $count -> [1] { $count } agiunta *[other] { $count } agiuntas } 🔍
ru { $count -> [one] { $count } вложение [few] { $count } вложения *[many] { $count } вложений } 🔍
sk { $count -> [1] { $count } príloha [one] { $count } príloha [few] { $count } prílohy *[other] { $count } príloh } 🔍
sl { $count -> [one] { $count } priponka [two] { $count } priponki [few] { $count } priponke *[other] { $count } priponk } 🔍
sq { $count -> [1] { $count } Bashkëngjitje [one] { $count } Bashkëngjitje *[other] { $count } Bashkëngjitje } 🔍
sr { $count -> [1] { $count } прилог [one] { $count } прилог [few] { $count } прилога *[other] { $count } прилога } 🔍
sv-SE { $count -> [1] { $count } bilaga *[other] { $count } bilagor } 🔍
tr { $count -> [1] { $count } ek [one] { $count } ek *[other] { $count } ek } 🔍
uk { $count -> [1] { $count } вкладення [one] { $count } вкладення [few] { $count } вкладень *[many] { $count } вкладень } 🔍
vi { $count -> [1] { $count } đính kèm *[other] { $count } đính kèm } 🔍
zh-CN { $count -> [1] { $count } 个附件 *[other] { $count } 个附件 } 🔍
zh-TW { $count -> [1] { $count } 個附件 *[other] { $count } 個附件 } 🔍
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