
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be Схаваць панэль прымацаванняў ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
bg Скрива лентата с прикачени файлове ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
ca Amaga la finestra d'adjuncions ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
cs Skryje lištu příloh ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
cy Cuddio'r paen atodi ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
da Skjul ruden Vedhæftede filer ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
de Anhangbereich ausblenden ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
dsb Pśidankowe wokno schowaś ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
el Απόκρυψη πίνακα συνημμένων ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
en-CA Hide the attachment pane ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
en-GB Hide the attachment pane ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
en-US Hide the attachment pane ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
es-AR Ocultar el panel de adjuntos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key } ) 🔍
es-ES Ocultar el panel de adjuntos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
es-MX Ocultar el panel de adjuntos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
et Peida manuste paneel ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
eu Gorde eranskinen panela ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
fi Piilota liitepaneeli ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
fr Masquer le volet des pièces jointes ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
fy-NL It bylagefinster ferstopje ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
gd Falaich leòsan nan ceanglachan ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
gl Agochar o panel de anexos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
hr Sakrij okno privitka ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix } { toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
hsb Wobłuk přiwěškow schować ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
hu A mellékletek ablaktábla elrejtése ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
hye Թաքցնել կցորդի վահանակը ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
ia Celar quadro de annexo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
is Fela viðhengjaspjaldið ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
it Nascondi il pannello degli allegati ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
ja 添付ペインを隠す ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
ka დანართის არის დამალვა ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
kab Ffer agalis n umedday ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
kk Салынымдар панелін жасыру ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
nb-NO Skjul vedleggspanelet ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
nl Het bijlagevenster verbergen ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
nn-NO Gøym vedleggspanelet ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
pl Ukryj listę załączników ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
pt-BR Ocultar painel de anexos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
pt-PT Ocultar o painel de anexos ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
rm Zuppentar la zona d'agiuntas ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
ru Скрыть панель вложений ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
sk Skryť panel príloh ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
sl Skrij podokno s priponkami ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
sq Fshiheni kuadratin e bashkëngjitjeve ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
sr Сакриј површ за прилоге ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
sv-SE Dölj bifogningsfönstret ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
tr Ek bölmesini gizle ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
uk Сховати панель вкладень ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
vi Ẩn ngăn đính kèm ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
zh-CN 隐藏附件窗格({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
zh-TW 隱藏附件窗格({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) 🔍
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