
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be { $count -> [one] { $count } адказ [few] { $count } адказы *[many] { $count } адказаў } 🔍
bg { $count -> [one] един отговор *[other] { $count } отговорa } 🔍
ca { $count -> [one] { $count } resposta *[other] { $count } respostes } 🔍
cs { $count -> [one] { $count } odpověď [few] { $count } odpovědi [many] { $count } odpovědí *[other] { $count } odpovědí } 🔍
cy { $count -> [zero] { $count } atebion [one] { $count } ateb [two] { $count } ateb [few] { $count } ateb [many] { $count } ateb *[other] { $count } ateb } 🔍
da { $count -> [one] { $count } svar *[other] { $count } svar } 🔍
de { $count -> [one] { $count } Antwort *[other] { $count } Antworten } 🔍
dsb { $count -> [one] { $count } wótegrono [two] { $count } wótegronje [few] { $count } wótegrona *[other] { $count } wótegronow } 🔍
el { $count -> [one] { $count } απάντηση *[other] { $count } απαντήσεις } 🔍
en-CA { $count -> [one] { $count } reply *[other] { $count } replies } 🔍
en-GB { $count -> [one] { $count } reply *[other] { $count } replies } 🔍
en-US { $count -> [one] { $count } reply *[other] { $count } replies } 🔍
es-AR { $count -> [one] { $count } respuesta *[other] { $count } respuestas } 🔍
es-ES { $count -> [one] { $count } respuesta *[other] { $count } respuestas } 🔍
eu { $count -> [one] erantzun { $count } *[other] { $count } erantzun } 🔍
fi { $count -> [one] { $count } vastaus *[other] { $count } vastausta } 🔍
fr { $count -> [one] { $count } réponse *[other] { $count } réponses } 🔍
fy-NL { $count -> [one] { $count } antwurd *[other] { $count } antwurden } 🔍
gl { $count -> [one] { $count } resposta *[other] { $count } respostas } 🔍
hr { $count -> [one] { $count } odgovor [few] { $count } odgovora *[other] { $count } odgovora } 🔍
hsb { $count -> [one] { $count } wotmołwa [two] { $count } wotmołwje [few] { $count } wotmołwy *[other] { $count } wotmołwow } 🔍
hu { $count -> [one] { $count } válasz *[other] { $count } válasz } 🔍
hy-AM { $count -> [one] { $count } պատասխան *[other] { $count } պատասխան } 🔍
ia { $count -> [one] { $count } responsa *[other] { $count } responsas } 🔍
is { $count -> [one] { $count } svar *[other] { $count } svör } 🔍
it { $count -> [one] { $count } risposta *[other] { $count } risposte } 🔍
ja 返信 { $count } 通 🔍
kab { $count -> [one] { $count } tririt *[other] { $count } tririyin } 🔍
kk { $count -> [one] { $count } жауап *[other] { $count } жауап } 🔍
nb-NO { $count -> [one] { $count } svar *[other] { $count } svar } 🔍
nl { $count -> [one] { $count } antwoord *[other] { $count } antwoorden } 🔍
nn-NO { $count -> [one] { $count } svar *[other] { $count } svar } 🔍
pl { $count -> [one] { $count } odpowiedź [few] { $count } odpowiedzi *[many] { $count } odpowiedzi } 🔍
pt-BR { $count -> [one] { $count } resposta *[other] { $count } respostas } 🔍
pt-PT { $count -> [one] { $count } resposta *[other] { $count } respostas } 🔍
rm { $count -> [one] { $count } resposta *[other] { $count } respostas } 🔍
ru { $count -> [one] { $count } ответ [few] { $count } ответа *[many] { $count } ответов } 🔍
sk { $count -> [one] { $count } odpoveď [few] { $count } odpovede [many] { $count } odpovedí *[other] { $count } odpovedí } 🔍
sl { $count -> [one] { $count } odgovor [two] { $count } odgovora [few] { $count } odgovori *[other] { $count } odgovorov } 🔍
sq { $count -> [one] { $count } përgjigje *[other] { $count } përgjigje } 🔍
sv-SE { $count -> [one] { $count } svar *[other] { $count } svar } 🔍
th ข้อความตอบกลับ { $count } รายการ 🔍
tr { $count -> [one] { $count } yanıt *[other] { $count } yanıt } 🔍
uk { $count -> [one] { $count } відповідь [few] { $count } відповіді *[many] { $count } відповідей } 🔍
vi { $count } trả lời 🔍
zh-CN { $count } 个回复 🔍
zh-TW { $count -> *[other] { $count } 筆回覆 } 🔍
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