
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Трымаць { -brand-short-name } у доку *[other] Замацаваць { -brand-short-name } на панэлі заданняў } 🔍
bg { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Закачане на { -brand-short-name } към Dock *[other] Закачане на { -brand-short-name } към лентата със задачи } 🔍
bs { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Zakačite { -brand-short-name } na traku zadataka *[other] Zakačite { -brand-short-name } na traku zadataka } 🔍
cs { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Ponechat { -brand-short-name } v Docku *[other] Připnout { -brand-short-name } na hlavní panel } 🔍
cy { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Caddw { -brand-short-name } yn y Doc *[other] Pinio { -brand-short-name } i'r bar tasgau } 🔍
da { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Behold { -brand-short-name } i Dock *[other] Fastgør { -brand-short-name } til proceslinjen } 🔍
de { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } im Dock behalten *[other] { -brand-short-name } an Taskleiste anheften } 🔍
dsb { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } w doku wóstajiś *[other] Pśipějśo { -brand-short-name } k nadawkowej rědce } 🔍
el { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Διατήρηση του { -brand-short-name } στο Dock *[other] Καρφίτσωμα του { -brand-short-name } στη γραμμή εργασιών } 🔍
en-CA { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Keep { -brand-short-name } in Dock *[other] Pin { -brand-short-name } to taskbar } 🔍
en-GB { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Keep { -brand-short-name } in Dock *[other] Pin { -brand-short-name } to taskbar } 🔍
en-US { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Keep { -brand-short-name } in Dock *[other] Pin { -brand-short-name } to taskbar } 🔍
eo { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Alpingli { -brand-short-name } al via Dock *[other] Alpingli { -brand-short-name } al la taska ilaro } 🔍
es-AR { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantener { -brand-short-name } en Dock *[other] Pegar { -brand-short-name } a la barra de tareas } 🔍
es-CL { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantener { -brand-short-name } en el Dock *[other] Fijar { -brand-short-name } a la barra de tareas } 🔍
es-ES { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantener { -brand-short-name } en el Dock *[other] Fijar { -brand-short-name } a la barra de tareas } 🔍
es-MX { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantener { -brand-short-name } en el Dock *[other] Fijar { -brand-short-name } en la barra de tareas } 🔍
eu { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantendu { -brand-short-name } Dock-ean *[other] Ainguratu { -brand-short-name } ataza-barran } 🔍
fi { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Pidä { -brand-short-name } Dockissa *[other] Kiinnitä { -brand-short-name } tehtäväpalkkiin } 🔍
fr { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Garder { -brand-short-name } dans le Dock *[other] Épingler { -brand-short-name } à la barre des tâches } 🔍
fy-NL { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } yn de Dock hâlde *[other] { -brand-short-name } oan de taakbalke fêstmeitsje } 🔍
gn { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Emboja { -brand-short-name } tembiaporã rendáre *[other] Embjuaju { -brand-short-name } tembiaporã rendáre } 🔍
he { PLATFORM() -> [macos] שמירת { -brand-short-name } ב־Dock *[other] הצמדת { -brand-short-name } לשורת המשימות } 🔍
hr { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Zadrži { -brand-short-name } u Docku *[other] Prikvači { -brand-short-name } na programsku traku } 🔍
hsb { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } w doku wostajić *[other] Připniće { -brand-short-name } k nadawkowej lajsće } 🔍
hu { PLATFORM() -> [macos] A { -brand-short-name } dokkban tartása *[other] A { -brand-short-name } rögzítése a tálcára } 🔍
ia { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Retener { -brand-short-name } in Dock *[other] Fixar { -brand-short-name } a barra de apps } 🔍
id { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Simpan { -brand-short-name } di Dock *[other] Sematkan { -brand-short-name } ke taskbar } 🔍
is { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Festu { -brand-short-name } á verkefnastikuna *[other] Festu { -brand-short-name } á verkefnastikuna } 🔍
it { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantieni { -brand-short-name } nel Dock *[other] Aggiungi { -brand-short-name } al menu Start } 🔍
ja { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } を Dock に追加する *[other] { -brand-short-name } をタスクバーにピン留めする } 🔍
ja-JP-mac { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } を Dock に追加する *[other] { -brand-short-name } をタスクバーにピン留めする } 🔍
ka { PLATFORM() -> [macos] დარჩეს { -brand-short-name } Dock-ზოლზე *[other] მიამაგრეთ { -brand-short-name } ამოცანათა ზოლზე } 🔍
kk { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } Докта ұстау *[other] { -brand-short-name } тапсырмалар панеліне бекіту } 🔍
ko { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name }를 독에 넣기 *[other] { -brand-short-name }를 작업 표시줄에 고정 } 🔍
nb-NO { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Behold { -brand-short-name } i Dock *[other] Fest { -brand-short-name } til oppgavelinjen } 🔍
nl { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } in de Dock houden *[other] { -brand-short-name } aan de taakbalk vastmaken } 🔍
nn-NO { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Behald { -brand-short-name } i Dock *[other] Fest { -brand-short-name } til oppgåvelinja } 🔍
pa-IN { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } ਨੂੰ ਡੌਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਰੱਖੋ *[other] { -brand-short-name } ਨੂੰ ਟਾਸਕਬਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਟੰਗੋ } 🔍
pl { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Zatrzymaj { -brand-short-name(case: "acc") } w Docku *[other] Przypnij { -brand-short-name(case: "acc") } do paska zadań } 🔍
pt-BR { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Manter { -brand-short-name } no Dock *[other] Fixar o { -brand-short-name } na barra de tarefas } 🔍
pt-PT { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Manter o { -brand-short-name } na Dock *[other] Fixar o { -brand-short-name } à barra de tarefas } 🔍
rm { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Fixar { -brand-short-name } en il dock *[other] Fixar { -brand-short-name } en la taskbar } 🔍
ru { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Сохранить { -brand-short-name } в Dock *[other] Закрепить { -brand-short-name } на панели задач } 🔍
sat { PLATFORM() -> [macos] ᱰᱚᱠ ᱨᱮ { -brand-short-name } ᱫᱚᱦᱚᱭ ᱢᱮ *[other] ᱴᱟᱥᱠᱵᱟᱨ ᱨᱮ { -brand-short-name } ᱞᱟᱴᱷᱟᱭ ᱢᱮ } 🔍
sc { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mantene { -brand-short-name } in su Dock *[other] Apica { -brand-short-name } a sa barra de is tareas } 🔍
sk { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Ponechať { -brand-short-name } v Docku *[other] Pripnúť { -brand-short-name } na hlavný panel úloh } 🔍
skr { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } ڈاک وچ رکھو *[other] { -brand-short-name } ٹاسک بار تے پن کرو } 🔍
sl { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Obdrži { -brand-short-name(sklon: "tozilnik") } v Docku *[other] Pripni { -brand-short-name(sklon: "tozilnik") } v opravilno vrstico } 🔍
sq { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Mbaje { -brand-short-name }-in te Paneli *[other] Fiksoje { -brand-short-name }-in te paneli i punëve } 🔍
sr { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Остави { -brand-short-name } у доку *[other] Закачи { -brand-short-name } на траку задатака } 🔍
sv-SE { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Behåll { -brand-short-name } i Dock *[other] Fäst { -brand-short-name } i aktivitetsfältet } 🔍
tg { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Нигоҳ доштани «{ -brand-short-name }» дар қароргоҳ *[other] Васл кардани «{ -brand-short-name }» ба навори вазифа } 🔍
th { PLATFORM() -> [macos] เก็บ { -brand-short-name } ใน Dock *[other] ปักหมุด { -brand-short-name } ที่แถบงาน } 🔍
tr { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { -brand-short-name } tarayıcısını Dock’a sabitle *[other] { -brand-short-name } tarayıcısını görev çubuğuna sabitle } 🔍
uk { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Закріпити { -brand-short-name } у Dock *[other] Закріпити { -brand-short-name } на панелі завдань } 🔍
vi { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Giữ { -brand-short-name } trên Dock *[other] Ghim { -brand-short-name } vào thanh tác vụ } 🔍
zh-CN { PLATFORM() -> [macos] 将 { -brand-short-name } 保留在程序坞中 *[other] 将 { -brand-short-name } 固定到任务栏 } 🔍
zh-TW { PLATFORM() -> [macos] 將 { -brand-short-name } 放置於 Dock *[other] 將 { -brand-short-name } 釘選到工具列 } 🔍
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