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Displaying 1 result for the string emails in fur:

Entity fur en-US
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
Al è ancje pussibil che al sedi un tentatîf di atac. Se tu decidis di visitâ il sît, no sta inserî informazions riservadis come passwords, emails o detais de cjarte di credit.
It’s also possible that an attacker is involved. If you decide to visit the website, you should not enter any sensitive information like passwords, emails, or credit card details.

Displaying 4 results for the string emails in en-US:

Entity fur en-US
Entity # all locales browser • browser • browser.ftl
Dutis lis e-mails inviadis ae tô mascare e-mail a vignaran mandadis indenant a <strong>{ $useremail }</strong> (gjavant che no tu decidis di blocâlis).
All emails sent to your email masks will be forwarded to <strong>{ $useremail }</strong> (unless you decide to block them).
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
Al è ancje pussibil che al sedi un tentatîf di atac. Se tu decidis di visitâ il sît, no sta inserî informazions riservadis come passwords, emails o detais de cjarte di credit.
It’s also possible that an attacker is involved. If you decide to visit the website, you should not enter any sensitive information like passwords, emails, or credit card details.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • neterror • netError.ftl
Al somee che il certificât dal sît web al sedi scjadût, chest al impedìs a { -brand-short-name } di conetisi in sigurece. Se tu visitis chest sît, i malintenzionâts a podaressin cirî di robâ informazions come lis tôs passwords, e-mails opûr i detais des cjartis di credit.
It’s likely the website’s certificate is expired, which prevents { -brand-short-name } from connecting securely. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • neterror • netError.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } al à rilevât une potenziâl menace di sigurece e al à interot la conession cun <b>{ $hostname }</b>. Se tu visitis chest sît, i malintenzionâts a podaressin cirî di robâ informazions personâls come passwords, e-mails o detais su cjartis di credit.
{ -brand-short-name } detected a potential security threat and did not continue to <b>{ $hostname }</b>. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
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