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Displaying 1 result for the string All passwords you save to { -brand-product-name } are encrypted. Plus, we watch out for breaches and alert you if you’re affected. in en-US:

Entity en-US pt-BR
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutLogins.ftl
All passwords you save to { -brand-product-name } are encrypted. Plus, we watch out for breaches and alert you if you’re affected. <a data-l10n-name="breach-alert-link">Learn more</a>
Todas as senhas que você salva no { -brand-product-name } são criptografadas. Além disso, estamos atentos a vazamentos de dados e alertamos você caso seja afetado. <a data-l10n-name="breach-alert-link">Saiba mais</a>

No matching results for the string All passwords you save to { -brand-product-name } are encrypted. Plus, we watch out for breaches and alert you if you’re affected. for the locale pt-BR

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