
No matching results for the string Atençion: sto scito o voeiva instalâ { $addonCount } componenti azonti in { -brand-short-name }, quarchedun di quæ o no l for the locale en-US

Displaying 1 result for the string Atençion: sto scito o voeiva instalâ { $addonCount } componenti azonti in { -brand-short-name }, quarchedun di quæ o no l in lij:

Entity en-US lij
Entity # all locales browser • browser • addonNotifications.ftl
{ NUMBER($addonCount) -> *[other] Caution: This site would like to install { $addonCount } add-ons in { -brand-short-name }, some of which are unverified. Proceed at your own risk. }
Atençion: sto scito o voeiva instalâ { $addonCount } componenti azonti in { -brand-short-name }, quarchedun di quæ o no l'é verificou. Procede con caotela.
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