
Displaying 10 results for the string Marketing in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • fenix • app • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • fenix • app • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
Marketing data
Marketing data
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • fenix • app • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
Shares basic usage data with Adjust, our mobile marketing vendor
Shares basic usage data with Adjust, our mobile marketing vendor
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
You use digital advertising as part of your marketing mix. Do you buy people’s data to better target your online ads?
You use digital advertising as part of your marketing mix. Do you buy people’s data to better target your online ads?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • landing.ftl
We adhere strictly to { -brand-name-mozilla }’s <a href="{ $principles }">Data Privacy Principles</a> and we collect the data required to keep the VPN operational and to improve the product over time. We also track campaign and referral data on our mobile app to help { -brand-name-mozilla } understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Read more in our <a href="{ $notice }">Privacy Notice</a>.
We adhere strictly to { -brand-name-mozilla }’s <a href="{ $principles }">Data Privacy Principles</a> and we collect the data required to keep the VPN operational and to improve the product over time. We also track campaign and referral data on our mobile app to help { -brand-name-mozilla } understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Read more in our <a href="{ $notice }">Privacy Notice</a>.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • vpn-or-proxy.ftl
ISPs can use this information for their own ad targeting or for monetization opportunities that could include sharing your information with third parties interested in data mining, marketing and targeted advertising, which means less privacy and more tracking. Browsing in private mode doesn’t prevent ISPs from seeing where you go online. But sending your web traffic through a web proxy or VPN can make it much harder.
ISPs can use this information for their own ad targeting or for monetization opportunities that could include sharing your information with third parties interested in data mining, marketing and targeted advertising, which means less privacy and more tracking. Browsing in private mode doesn’t prevent ISPs from seeing where you go online. But sending your web traffic through a web proxy or VPN can make it much harder.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • vpn-or-proxy.ftl
The most important thing to consider when picking either a VPN or a proxy service is choosing a trustworthy company. Be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Not all proxy and VPN services are secure and private. Some <a href="{ $cnet }">will</a> <a href="{ $pcmag }">log</a> your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other services will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
The most important thing to consider when picking either a VPN or a proxy service is choosing a trustworthy company. Be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Not all proxy and VPN services are secure and private. Some <a href="{ $cnet }">will</a> <a href="{ $pcmag }">log</a> your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other services will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • what-is-a-vpn.ftl
It’s very hard to find a trustworthy VPN. VPNs are intended to protect users while they’re online, but not all VPNs are equal in the service they deliver. When shopping around for a VPN service, be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Some VPNs will log your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other VPNs will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
It’s very hard to find a trustworthy VPN. VPNs are intended to protect users while they’re online, but not all VPNs are equal in the service they deliver. When shopping around for a VPN service, be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Some VPNs will log your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other VPNs will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
The most important thing to consider when picking a VPN is choosing a trustworthy company. Be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Not all proxy and VPN services are secure and private. Some <a href="{ $cnet }">will</a> <a href="{ $pcmag }">log</a> your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other services will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
The most important thing to consider when picking a VPN is choosing a trustworthy company. Be sure you understand the terms you’re agreeing to. Many claim to be great and focused on privacy, but a large number of them fall short on their promise. Not all proxy and VPN services are secure and private. Some <a href="{ $cnet }">will</a> <a href="{ $pcmag }">log</a> your online activities so they can sell your data and information to marketing firms themselves. Other services will try to convince you to install malware on your devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • pricing-2023.ftl
We adhere strictly to { -brand-name-mozilla }’s <a { $principles }>Data Privacy Principles</a>. We only collect data required to keep { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } operational and improve the product over time. We also track campaign and referral data on our mobile app to help { -brand-name-mozilla } understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Read more in our <a { $notice }>Privacy Notice</a>.
We adhere strictly to { -brand-name-mozilla }’s <a { $principles }>Data Privacy Principles</a>. We only collect data required to keep { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } operational and improve the product over time. We also track campaign and referral data on our mobile app to help { -brand-name-mozilla } understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Read more in our <a { $notice }>Privacy Notice</a>.
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