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Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutLogins.ftl
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Entity # all locales browser • browser • newtab • newtab.ftl
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Entity # all locales browser • browser • newtab • newtab.ftl
Entity # all locales browser • browser • newtab • onboarding.ftl
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Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • preferences.ftl
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Entity # all locales devtools • client •
Perform a request to see detailed information about network activity.
Perform a request to see detailed information about network activity.
Entity # all locales devtools • client •
the page to see detailed information about network activity.
the page to see detailed information about network activity.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutThirdParty.ftl
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Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutThirdParty.ftl
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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
There are also cookies that remember more detailed information about you. Perhaps your interests, your web browsing patterns, etc. This means that a site can provide you more targeted content – often in the form of ads. There are types of cookies, called <em>third-party</em> cookies, that come from sites you’re not even visiting at the time and can track you from site to site to gather information about you, which is sometimes sold to other companies. Sometimes you can block these kinds of cookies, though not all browsers allow you to.
There are also cookies that remember more detailed information about you. Perhaps your interests, your web browsing patterns, etc. This means that a site can provide you more targeted content – often in the form of ads. There are types of cookies, called <em>third-party</em> cookies, that come from sites you’re not even visiting at the time and can track you from site to site to gather information about you, which is sometimes sold to other companies. Sometimes you can block these kinds of cookies, though not all browsers allow you to.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
You may have heard about tracking primarily in the context of advertising. However, it’s also a powerful tool when it comes to the spread of false information. Why is that? When you browse the internet or your social network feed, your behavior, interests, contacts in some instances and more are tracked by various parties across websites in order to create an extremely detailed profile of you to sell to others without your knowledge or consent. These profiles are used for personalized advertising but can also serve to present any kind of targeted information to you.
You may have heard about tracking primarily in the context of advertising. However, it’s also a powerful tool when it comes to the spread of false information. Why is that? When you browse the internet or your social network feed, your behavior, interests, contacts in some instances and more are tracked by various parties across websites in order to create an extremely detailed profile of you to sell to others without your knowledge or consent. These profiles are used for personalized advertising but can also serve to present any kind of targeted information to you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • cookie-settings.ftl
For more detailed information about the different types of information that { -brand-name-mozilla } collects when you visit our websites, you can find a link to our privacy notice below.
For more detailed information about the different types of information that { -brand-name-mozilla } collects when you visit our websites, you can find a link to our privacy notice below.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • vpn-or-proxy.ftl
Because your internet traffic moves to and from your devices (computer, phone, tv, tablet) through your ISP, they can see where you go online. An ISP can see what sites you visit, how long you’re on them, your location and information about your devices. An ISP may not know the specifics of what you did on those sites (like what you bought, searched for or read) thanks to encryption, but they could make inferences about you based on the sites that you visited. That personal data can be used to create detailed profiles about you. Why would ISPs do that? In short: this data is valuable.
Because your internet traffic moves to and from your devices (computer, phone, tv, tablet) through your ISP, they can see where you go online. An ISP can see what sites you visit, how long you’re on them, your location and information about your devices. An ISP may not know the specifics of what you did on those sites (like what you bought, searched for or read) thanks to encryption, but they could make inferences about you based on the sites that you visited. That personal data can be used to create detailed profiles about you. Why would ISPs do that? In short: this data is valuable.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
Because your internet traffic at home moves to and from your devices through your internet service provider — ISP for short — they can see where you go online. An ISP can see what sites you visit, how long you’re on them, your location and information about your devices. An ISP may not know the specifics of what you did on those sites (like what you bought, searched for or read) thanks to encryption, but they could make inferences about you based on the sites that you visited. That personal data can be used by ISPs to create detailed profiles about you. Browsing in private mode doesn’t prevent ISPs from seeing where you go online. But sending your web traffic through a VPN can make it much harder.
Because your internet traffic at home moves to and from your devices through your internet service provider — ISP for short — they can see where you go online. An ISP can see what sites you visit, how long you’re on them, your location and information about your devices. An ISP may not know the specifics of what you did on those sites (like what you bought, searched for or read) thanks to encryption, but they could make inferences about you based on the sites that you visited. That personal data can be used by ISPs to create detailed profiles about you. Browsing in private mode doesn’t prevent ISPs from seeing where you go online. But sending your web traffic through a VPN can make it much harder.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • linux_v2.ftl
<strong>Ubuntu command line mode:</strong> For detailed instructions on how to install { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } using command line mode tools, check out <a { $attrs }>How to install { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on a Linux computer</a>.
<strong>Ubuntu command line mode:</strong> For detailed instructions on how to install { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } using command line mode tools, check out <a { $attrs }>How to install { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on a Linux computer</a>.
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