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Displaying 1 result for the string { NUMBER($tabCount) -> [one] { $tabCount } tab has arrived from your connected devices *[other] { $tabCount } tabs have arrived from your connected devices } in en-US:

Entity en-US bn
Entity # all locales browser • browser • accounts.ftl
{ NUMBER($tabCount) -> [one] { $tabCount } tab has arrived from your connected devices *[other] { $tabCount } tabs have arrived from your connected devices }
{ $tabCount -> [one] { $tabCount } ট্যাব আপনার সংযুক্ত ডিভাইস হতে এসেছে। *[other] { $tabCount } ট্যাব আপনার সংযুক্ত ডিভাইস হতে এসেছে }

No matching results for the string { NUMBER($tabCount) -> [one] { $tabCount } tab has arrived from your connected devices *[other] { $tabCount } tabs have arrived from your connected devices } for the locale bn

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