
No matching results for the string Hai un anovamientu disponible pa { -brand-shorter-name } mas nun pue instalase porque hai otra copia de { -brand-shorter-name } n for the locale en-US

Displaying 1 result for the string Hai un anovamientu disponible pa { -brand-shorter-name } mas nun pue instalase porque hai otra copia de { -brand-shorter-name } n in ast:

Entity en-US ast
Entity # all locales browser • browser • appMenuNotifications.ftl
A new { -brand-shorter-name } update is available, but it can’t be installed because another copy of { -brand-shorter-name } is running. Close it to continue the update, or choose to update anyway (the other copy may not work correctly until you restart it).
Hai un anovamientu disponible pa { -brand-shorter-name } mas nun pue instalase porque hai otra copia de { -brand-shorter-name } n'execución. Zárrala pa siguir col anovamientu o escueyi «Anovar { -brand-shorter-name } de toes toes» (la otra copia pue nun funcionar correutamente hasta que la reanicies).
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