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The sender encrypted this message to you using one of your digital certificates, however %brand% was not able to find this certificate and corresponding private key. <br> Possible solutions: <br><ul><li>If you have a smartcard, please insert it now. <li>If you are using a new machine, or if you are using a new %brand% profile, you will need to restore your certificate and private key from a backup. Certificate backups usually end in ".p12".</ul>
寄件者已用您的數位憑證將此訊息加密,但 %brand% 無法找到此憑證與對應的私密金鑰。<br> 解決辦法: <br><ul><li>若您有智慧卡,請現在插入。<li>若您正在使用新電腦或新建的 %brand% 設定檔,請先由備份中取回憑證與私密金鑰。它們的檔名通常以「.p12」結尾。</ul>
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