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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mac.ftl
From business to leisure, you should feel safe online no matter what brings you there. { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you use public wifi smarter by protecting your internet connection from hackers and internet providers looking to collect your data. Its one-click privacy is available for { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-ios }, (as well as { -brand-name-windows } 10, { -brand-name-linux } and { -brand-name-android }), and doesn’t impact your speed. And, since it’s a VPN from { -brand-name-mozilla } with { -brand-name-wireguard }® protocol, you can trust your activity won’t be logged and your data stays yours — always.
不論是商務或閒適的上網體驗都應該能確保您上網時的安全。 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 保護您的網路連線不受想要收集您資料的駭客或網路業者的影響幫助您更聰明地使用公共 Wi-Fi。 { -brand-name-mac-short } 及 { -brand-name-ios } (以及 { -brand-name-windows } 10、{ -brand-name-linux } 即可點擊隱私保護及 { -brand-name-android }) 且不會影響上網速度。而且由於這是 { -brand-name-mozilla } 推出的使用 { -brand-name-wireguard }® 通訊協定的 VPN您可以相信您的上網行為不會被記錄 — 永遠由您自己掌握。
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