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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • what-is-a-vpn.ftl
A VPN provider typically offers a number of connection gateways in different global locations, which allows you to use an IP address from a locale different from your own. That way, the place you’re connecting to sees the VPN’s IP, not your actual IP address, as the source of your traffic. <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> routes your traffic through a secure server and lets you choose a location from more than { $countries } countries.
VPN 服務供應商通常會在全球不同地點提供多個連線閘道器讓您可以使用不同語系的 IP 地址。這樣一來您要連線的地方只會看到 VPN 的 IP 位置而不是實際的 IP 地址。 <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> 將您的封包經由一套安全的伺服器導引您讓您可以從 { $countries } 個國家當中自由選擇。
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