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VPNs do more than proxies in that a proxy only protects what you do in your browser, whereas a VPN protects all your traffic, including your browser, wherever you have a VPN installed and enabled. VPNs provide added security and privacy for all your online activity — an important consideration if you want to keep your activity to yourself and make it more difficult for data hungry trackers and ISPs to create a profile of you across all your devices, like your phone, computer and tablet.
VPN 不比代理伺服器能做更多的事情因為代理伺服器只保護您在瀏覽器中的行為而不論您在何處安裝並啟用了 VPN 時VPN 都會保護您的所有流量包含瀏覽器。 VPN 能夠加強您的線上活動的安全性與隱私性 — 這是一個重要的考慮因素如果您想要隱藏自己的線上活動讓渴望資料的追踪器與 ISP 更難在您的手機等裝置上建立您的個人資料電腦和平板電腦。
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