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VPNs do more than proxies in that a proxy only protects what you do in your browser, whereas a VPN protects all your traffic, including your browser, wherever you have a VPN installed and enabled. VPNs provide added security and privacy for all your online activity — an important consideration if you want to keep your activity to yourself and make it more difficult for data hungry trackers and ISPs to create a profile of you across all your devices, like your phone, computer and tablet.
VPN 不仅仅是代理,因为代理仅保护您在浏览器中执行的操作,而 VPN 可以保护您的所有流量,包括您的浏览器,无论您安装并启用了 VPN。 VPN 为您的所有在线活动提供了额外的安全性和隐私——这是一个重要的考虑因素,如果您想将您的活动保密,并使需要数据的跟踪器和 ISP 更难在您的所有设备(例如您的手机)上创建您的个人资料,电脑和平板电脑。
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