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This is a bit of a tricky question — the answer is both yes and no. More than one device can share the same external (public) IP address, but each device will have its own local (private) IP address. For example, your ISP (internet service provider) sets your home up with one external IP address. Since your router is what actually connects to the internet, the IP address is assigned to your router. Your router then assigns a local IP address to each device that is connected to the internet at a time. The external IP address is what is shared with the outside world. Your local IP address is not shared outside of your private home network.
这是一个有点棘手的问题 — 答案是既是又不是。多台设备可以共享同一个外部(公共)IP 地址,但每个设备又都有自己的本地(私有)IP 地址。例如,ISP(互联网服务提供商)为您的家庭设置了一个外部 IP 地址。由于路由器是实际连接到互联网的,所以 IP 地址被分配给路由器。然后,路由器为每次连接到互联网的每台设备分配一个本地 IP 地址。外部 IP 地址是与外部世界共享的。您的本地 IP 地址不会在您的私人家庭网络之外共享。
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