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The most widely used browser performance benchmark to measure web application responsiveness is called Speedometer. While other browser benchmarks exist, Speedometer 3 is the new standard for how we measure the speed of your browsing experience. The latest tests better reflect the web of today — working with visually rich charts, editing text, interacting with complicated and heavy web pages like news sites — and it measures a full picture of the browser’s performance.
Speedometer 是使用最广泛的浏览器性能基准测试,可测量 Web 应用程序的响应能力。尽管目前存在多种多样的浏览器基准测试,但 Speedometer 3 已成为我们衡量浏览速度的新标准。最新的测试更能反映当今网络的实际情景,包括处理视效丰富的图表、编辑文本、与新闻网站等复杂网页交互,并且能够全方位衡量浏览器的性能。
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