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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is offering something new to keep you safe: <a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>. It’s a free service that will alert you if there are any public hacks on your accounts and let you know if your accounts got hacked in the past. Another neat feature is the Green Lock. It looks like a small green icon at the top left side of the browser window. If you’re on { -brand-name-firefox } and see the green lock, it means the website is encrypted and secure. If the lock is grey, you might want to think twice about entering any sensitive information.
{ -brand-name-firefox } 提供能让您确保安全的新功能:<a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>。这是一个可在与您相关的数据外泄事件公开时,向您发出警报的免费服务。你也可以使用此服务检查您在各个网站账号是否曾经遭窃。另一个很棒的功能是“小绿锁”,它出现于浏览器窗口的左上角。当您使用 { -brand-name-firefox } 时若看到这把锁,就代表与该网站间的连接经过加密,可以确保安全。若小锁是灰色的,那么在输入任何敏感信息前最好三思。
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