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These terms are governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. If any portion of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between a translated version of these terms and the English language version, the English language version shall control.
Nej nuguan’ nan sanī si ley hio’ó California, Yiñán Ra’ñan’an dugumîn nej man, yi’ì dan nī nitāj si huaj ga’min nikô’ rayi’ij. Sisī huā da’āj nej nuguan’ nan nu digahuin sa ta nī, a’ngô da’aj nej man da’ui gi’iaj sun ngèj dàj rû’ a’min riña ley. Sisī huā ‘ngō nuguan’ nun unïn hue’ê’ nī gun’ riña si nuguàn’ ra’ñan’an nī gahiā ñû’ man dadin’ huê ô’ huin sa giri nej nuguan’ nan.
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