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Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
You are welcome to use these Services with the accompanying version of { -brand-short-name }, and { -vendor-short-name } grants you its rights to do so. { -vendor-short-name } and its licensors reserve all other rights in the Services. These terms are not intended to limit any rights granted under open source licenses applicable to { -brand-short-name } and to corresponding source code versions of { -brand-short-name }.
Te storitve lahko uporabljate z ustrezno različico programa { -brand-short-name } in { -vendor-short-name } vam za to uporabo podeljuje pravice, ki jih ima. { -vendor-short-name } in odjemalci njegovih licenc si pridržujejo vse druge pravice v zvezi s storitvami. Namen teh pogojev ni omejiti kakršne koli pravice na osnovi odprtokodne licence programa { -brand-short-name } in pripadajočih različic njegove izvorne kode.
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