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Entity en sl
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • landing.ftl
For more than 20 years, { -brand-name-mozilla } has a track record of putting people first and fighting for online privacy. Backed by a non-profit, we are committed to building a better and healthier internet for all people. Everything we make is part of our mission and follows our <a href="{ $url }">principles</a>.
Že več kot 20 let se { -brand-name-mozilla } bori za zasebnost na spletu in ljudi postavlja na prvo mesto. Pod okriljem neprofitne organizacije se trudimo ustvariti boljši in bolj zdrav internet za vsakogar. Vse, kar počnemo, je del našega poslanstva in sledi našim <a href="{ $url }">načelom</a>.
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