
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US sl
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • openpgp • openpgp.ftl
The message you are replying to contained both unencrypted and encrypted parts. If the sender was not able to decrypt some message parts originally, you may be leaking confidential information that the sender was not able to originally decrypt themselves. Please consider removing all quoted text from your reply to this sender.
Sporočilo, na katerega odgovarjate, je vsebovalo nešifrirane in šifrirane dele. Če pošiljatelj prvotno ni mogel dešifrirati nekaterih delov sporočila, morda razkrivate zaupne podatke, ki jih pošiljatelj sam ni mogel dešifrirati. Razmislite o odstranitvi celotnega navedka iz odgovora temu pošiljatelju.
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