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If you want to protect yourself even more, you can activate protections against Ads, Ad Trackers and Malware by going to Settings > Privacy features. Please note that this may cause some websites to break or not load, so you might need to temporarily disable these protections if you bump into this issue.
Sche ti vuls ta proteger anc meglier, pos ti activar las protecziuns cunter reclamas, fastizaders da reclama e malware cun ir a Parameters > Funcziuns per la protecziun da datas. Resguarda che quai po avair per consequenza che tschertas websites na funcziunan betg pli endretg u na chargian betg. Perquai stos ti eventualmain deactivar temporarmain las protecziuns correspundentas sche ti fruntas sin quest problem.
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