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Not many people noticed at the time, but the first version of Phoenix (later renamed to { -brand-name-firefox }) was also released by { -brand-name-mozilla } community members that year with the goal of providing the <a href="{ $charter }">best possible browsing experience</a> to the widest possible set of people.
Mo pauca glieud ha badà quai da quel temp, ma l'emprima versiun da Phoenix (pli tard renumnà en { -brand-name-firefox }) è vegnida publitgada er da quel onn da commembers da la cuminanza da { -brand-name-mozilla } cun la finamira da porscher <a href="{ $charter }">la meglra experientscha en l'internet</a> al pli grond dumber d'utilisaders pussaivel.
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