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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • add-ons-2023.ftl
There are { -brand-name-firefox } add-ons that <a { $fbcontainer }>stop Facebook from tracking you around the web</a>, <a { $translate }>translate text into other languages</a>, <a { $language }>check your spelling or grammar</a>, or <a { $customize }>spruce up the way your browser looks</a>. You’ll find these and thousands of other free extensions at <a { $amo }></a>.
I dat supplements da { -brand-name-firefox } che <a { $fbcontainer }>eviteschan che Facebook ta persequiteschia en il web</a>, <a { $translate }>translateschan text en ina autra lingua</a>, <a { $language }>controlleschan l'ortografia u la grammatica da tes texts</a> u <a { $customize }>embelleschan la cumparsa da tes navigatur</a>. Ti chattas questas e millis dad autras extensiuns gratuitas sin <a { $amo }></a>.
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