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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • faq.ftl
No, we don’t think { -brand-name-chrome } is better than { -brand-name-firefox }, and here is why: when people ask which browser is better, they’re really asking which browser is faster and safer. { -brand-name-firefox } is updated monthly to make sure you have the speediest browser that respects your privacy automatically.
Na, nus na crajain betg che { -brand-name-chrome } saja meglier che { -brand-name-firefox } e quai è il motiv: Sch'insatgi dumonda tgenin navigatur che saja il meglier, vul la persuna atgnamain savair tgenin navigatur che saja il pli svelt ed il pli segir. { -brand-name-firefox } vegn actualisà mintga mais per far la segira che ti hajas il navigatur il pli svelt che respecta automaticamain tia sfera privata.
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