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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
Sadly, not all browser makers choose to interpret the format in the same way. For users, this means that a website can look and function differently. Creating consistency between browsers, so that any user can enjoy the internet, regardless of the browser they choose, is called <a href="{ $standards }">web standards</a>.
Deplorablamain n'interpreteschan betg tut ils sviluppaders da navigaturs il format en la medema moda e maniera. Quai ha per consequenza per ils utilisaders ch'ina website po funcziunar e vegnir visualisada differentamain ch'in autra. L'intent da cuntanscher in'unifurmitad da tut ils navigaturs cun la finamira che mintga utilisader possia giudair l'internet independentamain da ses navigatur, sa numna <a href="{ $standards }">standards dal web</a> .
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