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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
In a short period of time we’ve gone from being amazed by the ability to send an email to someone around the world, to a change in how we think of information. It’s not a question of how much you know anymore, but simply a question of what browser or app can get you to that information fastest.
Entaifer pauc temp avain nus midà noss pensar: L'emprim da tut eran nus gia stut da pudair trametter in e-mail ad insatgi insanua en il mund. Ozendi avain nus tut in'autra idea dad infurmaziuns. La dumonda n'è betg pli quant che nus savain, mabain tge navigatur-web u app ch'ans po furnir il pli svelt l'infurmaziun tschertgada.
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