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Entity en-US rm
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Contactescha la persuna che duai far part a la conversaziun via in auter chanal autentifitgà, per exempel via e-mail signà cun OpenPGP u per telefon. Barattai lura vossas improntas. (Ina impronta è ina summa da controlla - «checksum» - che identifitgescha ina clav da criptadi.) Sche las improntas correspundan, inditgescha en il dialog sutvart che ti has verifitgà l'impronta.
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