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Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
<strong>The Services are provided “as-is.” { -vendor-short-name }, its contributors, licensors, and distributors, disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties that the Services are merchantable and fit for your particular purposes. You bear the entire risk as to selecting the Services for your purposes and as to the quality and performance of the Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not apply to you.</strong>
<strong>Tenestene er tilbydde "som-dei-er." { -vendor-short-name }, bidragsytarane, lisensgjevarane og distributørane gjev ingen garantiar, korkje eksplisitt eller implisitt, inkludert utan avgrensingar, garantiar for at Tenestene skal passe til føremåla dine. Du har den fulle og heile risikoen for å velje Tenestene for å oppnå dine føremål, samt for kvaliteten og ytinga til Tenestene. Nokre jurisdiksjonar tillèt ikkje at implisitte garantiar vert ekskluderte, så dette dementiet gjeld kanskje ikkje deg.</strong>
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