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Entity en-US nn-NO
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Kontakt den tiltenkte samtalepartnaren din via ein annan godkjend kanal, til dømes ein OpenPGP-underskriven e-postl eller via telefon. De skal fortelje kvarandre om fingeravtrykka dykkar (eit fingeraftrykk er ein kontrollsum, som identifiserer ein krypteringsnøkkel). Dersom fingeraftrykket stemmer overeins, skal du markere nedanfor, at du har stadfesta fingeravtrykket.
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