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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mobile_v2.ftl
A VPN works across your device, not just your browser, therefore across your mobile apps too. And unlike free VPNs or proxy sites, which may pay for their servers by spying on you and selling your information, { -brand-name-mozilla } does not keep records of where you go and what you do.
VPN berfungsi di semua peranti anda bukan sahaja pelayar, sekaligus di semua aplikasi anda juga. Tidak seperti VPN percuma atau laman proksi, yang merisik lalu menjual maklumat anda demi menanggung kos pelayan mereka, { -brand-name-mozilla } tidak sama sekali menyimpan rekod lokasi serta aktiviti anda.
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