
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US meh
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • fenix • app • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
%1$s clears your search and browsing history from private tabs when you close them or quit the app. While this doesn’t make you anonymous to websites or your internet service provider, it makes it easier to keep what you do online private from anyone else who uses this device.
%1$s xita a nnánukunu a nsá´ánu saa kenenu nuu ka̱a̱ a xiin nakasɨnu kuaiyo da pestaña jíí ventana nánuku yu´u. Ya´a ntu taji a noo´o nánuku yu´u nuu Web ji nuu ñɨvu tatu Internet, ya´a kumiji noo\'o a nnánukunu nuu inka ñɨvu ni´i ka̱a̱ tee nɨnuu ya´a.
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