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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • facebook_container.ftl
{ -brand-name-facebook } can track almost all your web activity and tie it to your { -brand-name-facebook } identity. If that’s too much for you, the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container } extension</a> isolates your identity into a separate container tab, making it harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to track you on the web outside of { -brand-name-facebook }.
{ -brand-name-facebook } yezmer ad yeḍfeṛ meṛṛa armud-ik di Web sakin ad t-yeqqen ar tmagit-ik n { -brand-name-facebook }. Ma yella twalaḍ d aṭas, asiɣzef <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> ad yerr timagt-it deg yiccer as umniḍ i yiman-is, ayen ara yesweɛren abrid i { -brand-name-facebook } akken ad ak-yeḍfeṛ di Web ma mačči di { -brand-name-facebook }.
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