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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • android.ftl
We’re best known for our web browser, { -brand-name-firefox }, but { -brand-name-mozilla } as a larger organization has a core mission — to fight for your rights online. It’s what we’ve done all along, since 1998. We’re the advocates of the internet, committed to making sure it stays open and free while respecting everyone’s right to privacy and security.
Nos es melio note pro nostre navigator del Web, { -brand-name-firefox }, ma { -brand-name-mozilla } como plus grande organisation, ha un mission fundamental: luctar pro tu derectos online. Isto nos face desde le 1998. Nos es le propugnatores de Internet, dedicate a render secur que illo remane aperte e gratuite respectante le derecto al confidentialitate e le securitate de totes.
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