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Because your internet traffic at home moves to and from your devices through your internet service provider — ISP for short — they can see where you go online. An ISP can see what sites you visit, how long you’re on them, your location and information about your devices. An ISP may not know the specifics of what you did on those sites (like what you bought, searched for or read) thanks to encryption, but they could make inferences about you based on the sites that you visited. That personal data can be used by ISPs to create detailed profiles about you. Browsing in private mode doesn’t prevent ISPs from seeing where you go online. But sending your web traffic through a VPN can make it much harder.
Pois que tu traffico internet a casa move a e de tu apparatos a transverso de tu fornitor de servicio internet - ISP, in breve - illes pote vider ubi tu va online. Un ISP pote vider que sitos tu visita, per quante tempore tu es sur illos, tu position e informationes re tu apparatos. Un ISP non pote saper le detalios de que tu ha facite sur ille sitos (como que tu comprava, recercava o lege) gratias al cryptation, ma illes pote facer deductiones re te in base al sitos que tu visitava. Ille datos personal pote esser usate per le ISPs pro crear detaliate profilos re te. Navigar in modo private non impedi al ISPs de vider ubi tu va online. Ma inviar tu traffico web a transverso de un VPN pote render lo multo plus ardue.
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