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This is a bit of a tricky question — the answer is both yes and no. More than one device can share the same external (public) IP address, but each device will have its own local (private) IP address. For example, your ISP (internet service provider) sets your home up with one external IP address. Since your router is what actually connects to the internet, the IP address is assigned to your router. Your router then assigns a local IP address to each device that is connected to the internet at a time. The external IP address is what is shared with the outside world. Your local IP address is not shared outside of your private home network.
Isto es un question un poco difficile, le responsas es ambe: si e no. Plus que un apparato pote compartir identic adresse IP externe (public), ma cata apparato habera su proprie adresse IP local (private). Per exemplo, tu ISP (fornitor de servicio internet) configura tu casa con un adresse IP externe. Pois que tu router es lo que realmente se connecte a internet, le adresse IP es assignate a tu router. Tu router pois assigna un adresse IP local a cata apparato que es connexe a internet cata vice. Le adresse IP externe es illo que es compartite con le mundo externe. Tu adresse IP local non es compartite foras de tu private rete domestic.
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