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Entity en ia
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • landing.ftl
For more than 20 years, { -brand-name-mozilla } has a track record of putting people first and fighting for online privacy. Backed by a non-profit, we are committed to building a better and healthier internet for all people. Everything we make is part of our mission and follows our <a href="{ $url }">principles</a>.
Desde plus que 20 annos, { -brand-name-mozilla } ha un fama de anteponer le personas e luctar pro le confidentialitate online. Supportate per un organisation non-lucrative, nos es dedicate a producer un internet melior e plus san pro totes. Tote lo que nos face es parte de nostre mission e seque nostre <a href="{ $url }">principios</a>.
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