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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • cookie-settings.ftl
This page describes the different types of Cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs, JavaScript, and local storage (hereafter, “Cookies”) that { -brand-name-mozilla } may use, and gives you control over which types of data you agree to { -brand-name-mozilla } collecting.
Iste pagina describe le typos de cookies differente e le technologias simile (tal como etiquettas de pixels, pharos de web, GIFs transparente, JavaScript, e immagazinage local) (in avante, “cookies”) que { -brand-name-mozilla } pote usar, e te da controlo super ille typos de datos que tu concorda colliger con { -brand-name-mozilla }
Please enable JavaScript. Some features won't be available without it.