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Entity en-US ia
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Contacta tu companion de conversation desirate via un altere canal authenticate, como e-mail signate con OpenPGP o per telephono. Vos deberea excambiar vostre dactylogrammas. (Un dactylogramma o impression digital es un summa de controlo que identifica un clave de cryptation.) Si le dactylogramma corresponde, tu debe indicar in le fenestra de dialogo infra que tu ha verificate le dactylogramma.
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