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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
In the mid-nineties, { -brand-name-netscape }, { -brand-name-ie } and AOL dominated the landscape. It was a simpler time when the sweet melody of dial-up internet rang across the land. You learned the meaning of patience waiting for web pages to load. Back then, all that mattered was browser speed.
Srjedź dźewjećdźesatych lět su { -brand-name-netscape }, { -brand-name-ie } a AOL krajinu dominowali. Běše jednoriši čas, hdyž słódka melodija wolenskeho interneta přez kraj zazwoni. Sće wuknył, sćerpny być, doniž so webstrony njezačitaja. Tehdy je so jenož spěšnosć wobhladowaka ličiła.
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