
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US hr
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • overrides • profileDowngrade.dtd
A newer version of &brandProductName; may have made changes to your profile which are no longer compatible with this older version. Use this profile only with that newer version, or create a new profile for this installation of &brandShortName;. Creating a new profile requires setting up your accounts, calendars and add-ons again.
Novija &brandProductName; inačica možda je napravila izmjene vašeg profila koje više nisu kompatibilne s ovom starijom inačicom. Koristite ovaj profil samo s novijom inačicom ili stvorite novi profil za ovu &brandShortName; instalaciju. Stvaranje novog računa zahtjeva ponovno postavljanje vaših računa, kalendara i dodataka.
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